So I have been a super bad blogger in the past month or so. I haven't been posting anything on this blog or on blog either. Work is getting the best of me. So many changes and new people and trying to figure out new work dynamics are hard. And the fact that the weather has been so nice here that I want to be outside all the time.
So here is a little run down of the new things that have been happening or bothering me in the last month.
1. people who come in the elevator to only go up one floor... USE THE STAIRS!!!
2. Paul and I went to Rhode Island for the weekend and I would have to say that the sun and the beach and the 32 degree weather made that our best trip to date.
3. my baby sisters wedding is coming closer and closer and I don't think it has bit me yet!
4. I have been having serious bad tummy problems that has not made me happy or very social.
5. I think our kitty Pixel is prego... maybe some little kitty's running around soon :)
6. I got a $2 raise which is pretty freaken awesome!
7. I fall more and more in love with Paul ever day... that is something so special to me... I will spend the rest of my life with him... I know this isn't new news but to some of you it might be :)
8. My dad just got back from the Philippines and I miss him so much I wish I could go back home just for a weekend to see him!
9. I am getting back into photography... I got a Diana+ camera for my birthday and it is so much fun to play with and take photos... plus I know a little photoshop which is great for the crapy digital pictures I take with my point and shot.
10. I am now one year older... I would like to think wisers as well!!!
This list is not in order of importants but more so just the things that have come to mind that are new in the past month!