Alright so although Paul and I have just moved and have only been in our place for about 2 days now. I feel the positive change. We have more room. Sunlight. Good air. No bands playing around us. A big kitchen. Pretty much we are moving on up in life. I feel like I am starting with a clean slate.
I have started my eating better and tomorrow and I am going to start Bikram Yoga tomorrow. I am really nervous because I'm scared of failing cause it is so hot in there and I am scared I won't be able to breath and then I will panic. I am sure I will be fine and will start to feel much better but those are my concerns for right now. I will keep writing about what is going on with that.
June is the start to new beginnings... kind of like last year June was for me... I started working at Conlatus today last year. HAPPY 1 YEAR of working at Conlatus!!! More good things to come!~