Monday, October 19, 2009


I am not to sure if anyone is following me on here anymore but I HAVE MOVED my blog to
The House of Hearts!!!

Check out the new blog for my vintage shop updates and other great art related posts!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I am so sick of watching my 34 year old boss flirt with the new girl who is 21 years old. I think it is so gross. He does it with all the young girls he hires.
He still has the attitude of a young frat boy so it makes sense but sometimes there is a point you need to grow up.
I just have to vent since it has been going on like this all of last week and now going into this week. Ewww....

Monday, September 14, 2009

Etsy Here I Come!

It's true. I will have an Etsy site up and running by October 1st! Get ready!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The child within.

I love my life and I love that fact that I am still such a child inside.

Example: I'm at work. I have cold coffee in my beautiful bright red coffee cup. What do you do with it? Throw it out the forth floor window to see if you can make a cool pattern on the ground with it!

Now that is life. Stay happy in the little things in life. Don't get to rapped up in the details!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Green Smoothies!!!

Ok so I don't think I have blogged to much about the Green Smoothie Cleanse. But here it goes Paul and I have done the Green Smoothies are awesome, they taste great and they have boosted our energy, cleaned out the yucky things in our body and all just with a nice green colored smoothie.

Now I did the 3 day challenge but I would eat a salad for dinner instead of just doing the smoothies all day. I combined it with Bikram Yoga 2 times a week and I lost 9 pounds in 2 weeks and 2 inchs around my waist. I know most of you that know me think that is crazy because I am not a big girl at all but its all true.

Have a look at the website. I am all about all the people that I love being healthy and living life to their fullest. If you are wanting to make a life change start it with a small green cleanse! Have a look at the website by clicking on the picture or click here.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I am a force to be reconed with!

I do not just want to be a pretty face, I want to be a force to be recon with. I will not just be like everyone else that doesn't know what is going on with the world, or the history of the world.

This is all brought on with me wearing my Obey necklace which is a gun with a flower in it and my sister in the morning was like 'Is that a gun around your neck?' But the look on her face was very disaproving in a sort of that isn't very 'lady like' or feminine. But in reality it is for freedom and equality. It makes me think of the 70's and what was going on to stop the war in Vietnam which was a war to test of different equipment so the USA could take on other countries with it. Don't get me started on the States and what I think of them as a government and people.

I think coming back to Manitoba just has showing me how much I have really changed and in a very positive way in my view but maybe not so much in others as I have become so much more opinionated and will not stand for shit that I would normally not say anything or I would just apologize as if I was in the wrong for something.

Example: A few of my friends and I we talking about what an ass the last guy I dated was (since both of them had meet him) and we were standing by a traffic light which had turned green but we were still talking. This old overly tanned fake lady walked by with her friend who looked that same as her and said 'Why don't you guys move and stand somewhere else were people aren't trying to walk.' I think what she meant was stumble. My response 'Why don't you not be drunk on a Tuesday night.' Clearly not good grammar but I got my point across. And one of girls responses was oh sorry and moved out of the way.

Now I hate when people do what we did and I would openly say something but I am just tired of taking people's shit and then almost making it as if it was much fault. Maybe I am not making sense but that was a prime example of me seeing how much I have changed since I have moved to Montreal. It is very positive, not to mention I meet the man of my dreams there and I so in love!


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Raw Pasta!!! What the What?

Ok so clearly I do not feel like working since I am slowly making my rounds to all the blogs I have not looked at in awhile. Here is a video I found on Lori Painter blog she is really someone who I been following just because of the change she is making in eatting raw. Which is clearly much better for all the organs of your body but is maybe not the easiest thing to do with all the fast food, processed food and well delicious cooked food around. But this recipe looks pretty good and it is brought you be the Raw Body Twins.

People are so weird and gross!

Ok so I found this on a blog that I look at daily (Bust Blog) where I always find weird things... but I am going to say this is one of the weirdest and grosses things I have found.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Cuba vs Canada = Thankful

Read the article on Cuba here.

This is one more reason why I love living in Canada no matter what anyone else says, we have it so good here!

Feeling Stressed!

This is Whitie! She is so sweet and playful but very independent!

This is Tiger! She is cute and cuddly. Kind of shy at first but very loyal.

It has been awhile since I have been blogging but now is the time!!!! I am stressed. I leave in less then a week to go back to Winnipeg for my baby sisters wedding. I have so much to do it is out of hand and I have 2 kittens that I have to get rid of even though it breaks my heart. But we are keeping out little Princess Vector. They have all become part of Paul and I's family and they need to go to good homes!
If anyone is interested or knows someone in Montreal that is looking for a kitten please email me at

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

30 ROCK... Rocks!!!

Ok so Paul and I started to watch 30 Rock and if any of you have never seen it or heard of it... YOU HAVE TO CHECK IT OUT!!!! It is by Tina Fay who is so funny and Alec Baldwin who I have never been a fan off is AWESOME in this show... I am addicted and need more even though we are almost done the 3rd season... I can't wait till fall and it is on again!
I just wanted to share my love of this show with everyone.... Until I write again!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Kathy Griffin

I think I am falling in love with Kathy Griffin (not romantically of course because Paul is the love of my life) but watch her on Larry King Live... Awesome and read her interview in BUST magazine. I can't wait for her book to come out in September.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Life is great right now! I have started doing Bikram Yoga and I am really feeling the difference in my body and mind it is amazing!

Paul and I are still working at getting out place all put together it is slowly coming along, I think we will paint the kitchen this weekend... I will take before and after pictures and post them!

Our kittens are growing so fast. It is 2 weeks since they have been born (today!) and they are 3 times bigger then when they were born, their eyes are starting to open and it is the cutest thing ever. I can't wait till they start walking around!

My dad was here last weekend and it was awesome. I am such a dad's girl and it was great to have him here. I wish it wasn't so short but I am happy he could make it out east either way!

Paul and I are going on vacations to the summer house in Pennsylvania for a week. Oh I can't wait! July 1st - 5th we will be living it up on the lake. We really need this time to us so it is going to be amazing!

Well I think that is my life in a nutshell for right now. I really need to get on planning some showers/parties for my sisters wedding. I hope she will be happy with what I do for her!

Friday, June 5, 2009

We have kittens!!!

So it happened last night. Pixel gave birth to 4 amazing little tiny kitten's.
When we got home from work Paul was making dinner and Pixel was meowing at me a lot and trying to make a place for herself in the laundry basket so I knew right there she was going to give birth really soon.

I got her out of the laundry basket and out of our bedroom and got her a place made in the office. She followed me there and lay down and started to prrr a lot and I could see her tummy contracting. I went to leave for the bathroom but she followed me even though she was having contractions [this cat really loves me and I was by her side the whole time].

She gave birthday to her first kitty which is white with big gray spots (which I think might be my favorite because it was my first kitty I had every held that came right out of the mother) at about 8:30pm and then the second one (which is white with bit orange beige colored spots on it) at about 9pm. Third kitty came at about 10:30ish I would say this kitty is all white but has black ears and tail. At this point Pixel is tired and meowing a lot. There is blood and placenta (which she ate). I knew there was another kitty in there but I didn't know when it would come out. I was so exhausted at this point but I lay beside her and just petting her and talked to her. Paul feel asleep on the couch cause he was so exhausted.
I went to bed a little after mid-night cause there was not another kitty, but I knew there was one there. I woke up in the middle of the night around 3am and sure enough she had another kitty and it was already clean and eating from her nipple. The fourth kitty is almost all black with gray and white stripes and a little white around the nose. I think this might be my favorite looking kitty.

It's going to be so hard to pick one to keep cause Paul and I will be keeping one.
I am so excited, seeing a living thing come into this world is simple amazing. There are no words to true express this. I feel so honored the Pixel let me pet her and hold her kitty's right after they were born.

I will post some pictures soon of our awesome new addition to our family.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Soya... no so good!

I think something that is funny that with getting on the healthy band wagon I started to drink soya instead of milk. I found this very interesting YouTube video on soya and how it is not good for you in the forms that we have been told that are good for us. And this information is coming from a doctor who has been a vegetarian and eating her share of soya.

I feel great!!!

Lately I have been feeling like I have come out of this kind of dark place. Not that it was bad it I think was more a product of my environment more then anything. The move has been awesome and I have been reading a lot of articles on healthy living and well I am moving in the right direction. Here is something interesting that I found on the net from Dr. Douglas Graham in his book "The 80/10/10 Diet". Now I'm not going on the diet or anything but I found it interesting that I feel like I have been surviving more then thriving... with the move and my mind set in place, I feel like I am thriving!!!

Are you thriving or surviving?

Sunshine and natural light
Comfortable temperature
Clean fresh air
Pure water
Eat foods for which we are biologically designed
Pleasant environment
Security of life and its means
Satisfaction of aesthetic senses (beauty)
Biophilia (love of nature)
Internal and external cleanliness
Enjoy sufficient sleep
Enjoy rest and relaxation
Vigorous activity
Play and recreation
Love and appreciation
Self control and self mastery
Self confidence
Positive self image and sense of self worth
Individual sovereignty
Emotional poise and stability
Peace, harmony, serenity, and tranquility
Thought, cogitation, and meditation
Inspiration, motivation, purpose, commitment
Creative, useful work (pursuit of interests)
Music and all other arts
Human touch
Expression of reproductive instincts (sex)
Friendships and companionship
Gregariousness (social relationships, community)
Amusement and entertainment
Sense of humor, mirth, and merriment

Monday, June 1, 2009


Alright so although Paul and I have just moved and have only been in our place for about 2 days now. I feel the positive change. We have more room. Sunlight. Good air. No bands playing around us. A big kitchen. Pretty much we are moving on up in life. I feel like I am starting with a clean slate.

I have started my eating better and tomorrow and I am going to start Bikram Yoga tomorrow. I am really nervous because I'm scared of failing cause it is so hot in there and I am scared I won't be able to breath and then I will panic. I am sure I will be fine and will start to feel much better but those are my concerns for right now. I will keep writing about what is going on with that.

June is the start to new beginnings... kind of like last year June was for me... I started working at Conlatus today last year. HAPPY 1 YEAR of working at Conlatus!!! More good things to come!~

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Stress and then Relief

It just seems like these weeks are flying by... Here's another list of the awesome and not so awesome things that are happening in my life this week.

1. Paul and I found an awesome place still in our neighborhood and we move in June 6th!!!!
2. My dad is coming out for a weekend in June and will get to stay at our new place... I can't wait to see him. I am such a daddy's girl.
3. Pixel has still not had her kitty's yet... soon though soon.
4. I got a new phone which is awesome, it's no iPhone but it is treating me well.
5. Money has been tight lately and this morning I opened a letter from the government of Quebec and I had a nice $820 cheque in there... that is sure going to help with paying for the move!
6. I got camera 1 out of 3 in the mail today... I'm going to test it out after work.
7. I went to go buy season 3 of Futurama yesterday to find out that they only had it in French... boo so I got season 4.
8. I still have not done anything about being in bad shape... I will maybe get on that next week... LOL
9. Get excited cause I will be booking my flight home super soon...
10. I have been feeling weird (but not to the point of left out) that all my friends (and baby sister) are engaged or having baby's... I guess it is just the season that all this happens...
11. Oh I almost forgot... I won a little give away from Brandi Milne I'm not sure if any of you know who she is but I love her work and she is a self taught artist. Check her out!

All in all life really is awesome. I wish I could do something about Paul being stressed with the amount of work he has coming at him at a fast pace... I guess I just have to keep being a super awesome girlfriend... really that is all I can do... I love you babe!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Life is grand!!!

Well the sun is shining and I can't complain... I have been busy with work, so again not much time to write that after but I'm alright with that. I have been able to keep inspired by reading, looking at pictures that are giving me more ideas on what I want to achieve my vision in photography.
Here are some new things that are going on in my life this past week:

1. Paul and I offically are moving to a different apartment and have started looking!
2. Pixel is going to have her kitty's any day now (or so we think!)
3. I have been inspired to by some new camera's. An underwater 35mm which just happens to be red, a lomography 4 lens action sampler camera and a classic Polaroid Sun 600.
4. My dad might be coming to see me in June which I am very excited about!
5. I need to get in shape but have no motivation what so ever. This so no good at all!!! I need to really kick my butt into high gear if I want to look good at my sister and Amber's weddings.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Super bad blogger....

So I have been a super bad blogger in the past month or so. I haven't been posting anything on this blog or on blog either. Work is getting the best of me. So many changes and new people and trying to figure out new work dynamics are hard. And the fact that the weather has been so nice here that I want to be outside all the time.
So here is a little run down of the new things that have been happening or bothering me in the last month.

1. people who come in the elevator to only go up one floor... USE THE STAIRS!!!
2. Paul and I went to Rhode Island for the weekend and I would have to say that the sun and the beach and the 32 degree weather made that our best trip to date.
3. my baby sisters wedding is coming closer and closer and I don't think it has bit me yet!
4. I have been having serious bad tummy problems that has not made me happy or very social.
5. I think our kitty Pixel is prego... maybe some little kitty's running around soon :)
6. I got a $2 raise which is pretty freaken awesome!
7. I fall more and more in love with Paul ever day... that is something so special to me... I will spend the rest of my life with him... I know this isn't new news but to some of you it might be :)
8. My dad just got back from the Philippines and I miss him so much I wish I could go back home just for a weekend to see him!
9. I am getting back into photography... I got a Diana+ camera for my birthday and it is so much fun to play with and take photos... plus I know a little photoshop which is great for the crapy digital pictures I take with my point and shot.
10. I am now one year older... I would like to think wisers as well!!!

This list is not in order of importants but more so just the things that have come to mind that are new in the past month!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

So Pretty!!!

I think this is awesome... really this is what modeling is. It is interesting that we pay people to look pretty. Doesn't it seem like something is twisted with that idea? The fact that some models make just as much money as engineers, doctors or lawyers that go to school for many years get into huge debt and educate themselves none the less. But yet a model just gets paid to stand there and look pretty. You know that something is wrong with society when you pay someone with no education the same as someone that can save your life.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Ok so I have never been to a city where the cops are so bad then Montreal. I love this city but the cops are really pigs. Most of them don't know the law and try to force themselves on your or others spend their time giving out j-walking tickets to make their money then really fighting the problems on our streets.
Today blew me away. I saw two women cops in the metro, wearing there god awful army pants and red hats strapped to their belts and this women [who had a baby carriage with her] ran up to the cops and gave them both candy bars and was saying what an awesome job they are doing.
I laughed out loud cause I thought it was funny. They are doing a good job at beating people that are doing nothing wrong other then specking their voice [as per the protest that happened a few weeks ago]. Seeing blood all over the road and seeing cops everywhere with their protective shields with red in their eyes is that what a good job is classified as now a days?
I feel like we are at war in our own country with people who are suppose to protect and serve their people. But what is really happening is they are protecting and serving private interests.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Man this is a joke, so everyone that knows me know that I am always late but for work I am usually 1 min late everyday. Not a big deal cause I usually stay 5 mins after work and work through my lunch break most of the time. So today I find out, not through my bosses telling me but through me looking through documents that every time I sign into Teletran [which is the program that we use for everything through out the day] after 10am they dock me 15 mins. So next paycheck so far I have an hour off my pay... THIS IS A FUCKING JOKE!!!!

The bosses come to me when something isn't working and get me to fix it. They do not know what is going on in the there business they have to come to me to tell them. AND NOW they are starting to cut my pay because I am usually 1 or 2 mins late punching in every day... this is BULLSHIT!!! If it wasn't for me they would not be able to run their business and would have a shit load of unsatisfied customers.

I'm so pissed I can't even work cause I just want to knock someones face in. Really it's not like they are paying me that much and I am the glue in their business. I understand that punchality is very important, I am very aware of this but at the same thing you would think they would spend more time understanding how their business is being run then creating programs to track our every move. Some how I think their priorities are very very mixed up.

I will be out of here soon and they will see what a mess it will be and how much they should of paid me for my job and should treat their employees more like humans then numbers. I mean really there is only 6 employees. This is a fucking joke!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Like I always like use it!

I found this on another blog and I thought it was like totally funny!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I never thought I would be one of those girls

I never thought that I would be one of those girls that is so effected by her boyfriend being away for a week. Now it has only been 4 days not with him and I miss him hugely. He is my best friend, the love of my life, the one I can rely on no matter what. And that's right I MISS HIM HUGELY!!!
The loft feels empty without him, the couch is just not the same without me pushing him to the side of it cause I want to cuddle and the bed... oh the bed feels so empty without him... so hard to sleep at night cause I anticipate his return.
I'm in love... this is how it feels!!!
Come back Paul... I MISS YOU!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Ginger Tea

I found the sweetest little Thai lady's blog. Here is her video on making ginger tea.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Employees!

Man we have two new employee's and it is amazing what a bad attitude they have. I am training a young girl with very little life experience who is very much a 'I must challenge everything' kind of person. To the point where you can even train her on anything as she will not do it the way the system is laid out infront of her or because she things she knows a better way.
Which is fine cause I know that the way things are done in this company could be done much better but you are a new person you can't challenge everything like this and have such an attitude. I mean know sense of respect at all. She is texting all day long even after I have told her that it would be best that she would put her phone away until her break. But she throws me excuses like 'Oh me and my boyfriend are having a fight' or 'My mom is in the middle of a divorce'. Ok I have been through both of those things in my life but at the same time I would just give my boyfriend some space and then talk to him in person so we can work through our issues I wouldn't text him all day long just to piss him off more, and my mom would understand that I have a job to do, but I still love her even though I am not texting her ever 5 mintues.
It's just simply amazing to me that people like this are around. I guess I stay far away from people like this so it's always very interesting to me when I run into them.
Until I write again!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Forever... Dog Poo!!!

It feels like I haven't written forever even though in reality it has only been a week. But now I am back to work after taking a few days off due to bad health and a bad attitude but life is grand now... other then still needing to go see a doctor!
Random thought... now that the weather is getting nicer and ice and snow is melting I am just simply grossed out by the amount of dog crap around this city. Now I love animals and dog's are my favorite and picking up their crap just feels wrong but at the same time you can't walk on the side walk without dodging dog poo... Don't be a slob just pick it up... it is part of owning a dog... if you can't take care of that go move on a farm where your dog can shit all over the place and you will not be so inconsiderate to the rest of the population of the city!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Taking the morning off...

This week has been a little hard on me and all I could think of lately is just quitting cause I feel as though I don't get the respect for the amount of work that I do and it is very frustration so I took the morning off just for myself. It was awesome, I just cleaned up my loft a bit and did some writing and reading and then Paul came home for after a meeting and had an awesome news which was great.
The morning just kind of put things into perceptive for me and then when I came to work things were cool I had a good attitude about things and I spoke with my boss and I am on a big project now which is pretty much just writing the whole user manual for our website system. I mean it isn't the best thing but it is going to help me a lot and it means that I will deal with less people as well. So I am pretty pumped on it.
All in all I would have to say that today is the best day I have had this week and I have a fresh outlook on my job here!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This made me happy!!!

After my last post I just was in search of things that would make me happy momentarily... here is one of them.


So it's getting to be the end of the day and my boss has taken over a part of my duties [since I have been doing the job of two people and only being paid for doing the job of one person]. I have been very busy and straight to the point with people with being friendly.
And today my boss says to me 'As team caption here is something to think about, Finding a way not to flirt with our customers but to get your job done.'
I am so fucking pissed right now... I have taken so much shit from our customers and have kept a smile on my face even when people cross the line with me in a manor that could be verbal sexual assault and he tells me that I should flirt with the customers... FUCK YOU!!!! I am not flirting with the customers. IS it my fault that our customers are pervs and most of them work on oil rigs or mechanics and are not around women or talk to women very often... NO!!!
Man I just want to get out of here... I can't believe that he even thought he had to have that conversation with me after all the crap I have taken here.

Sorry Mom...

This is to funny I came across this blog through BUST [must be my favorite mag]. This blog is all about walking up in the morning looking beside you and being like 'Damn I shouldn't of done that (ask you look to the guy beside you) HENCE 'Sorry Mom' blog.

Check it out yourself... some of them are really funny and they even have pictures on them.
Sorry Mom Blog

Monday, January 26, 2009

Shorts in -25

So I'm walking to work this morning and I am frozen even though I am wearing so much clothing and what do I see? I man standing at the bus stop wearing shorts!!! SHORTS in the middle of winter... this is just to much for me to handle.
But he looked happy!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tiltshift photography

I'm pretty down with minitures cause it is alot of work and puts things into perspective for me. Here is a photoshop technique that takes real pictures and changes them to look like minitures. Check out some more pictures here.

Stop motion...

So I am a big fan of stop motion... this is a great video to see how it is done... it can take days to just get a 3 minute video put together. Pretty impressive.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Dreams of Justin

This week I had a very random dream about Justin Timberlake and me helping him with a personal problem and Paul was involved as well as Justin's girlfriend [who I have no idea if he even has a girlfriend but in my dream he did]. So here is a tribute to Justin!

3D and animation

This video is amazing it is done with 3D and traditional animation. I'm not a big car person but this is amazing.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

It's official today!!!

Today it is official that I have rented out my place and I now live with my super awesome, fun, caring boyfriend Paul!!!

Bye Bye old room...

Working days....

This week has been so gross busy that my heart feels like it wants to jump out of my body it's racing so fast. I just want things to slow down but I think for the next 6 months or more it is going going to get bigger... Working full time, getting information together to start my a business, trying to be a brides maid to 2 amazing women in my life.
It's going to be a good time... I just want to chill and cuddle with my man and watch a movie, but to bad our dvd player just died. Plan B... read and cuddle... we are such dorks!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Good day.

Today has been a good day. I haven't dealt with extremely dumb people just some challenged people which is alright it all about my attitude and I know that. But man it is getting busy so less and less time to slack which is a big thumbs down in my book.
In some of my blog browsing I came across this picture of street art. I will always have a soft spot in my heart for little piggies.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Pretty books.

I love this video it is calm and it incorporates my love for books and my growing love for digital art and animation.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm falling apart...

This week I feel like I am falling apart. I have had such a headache all week long and it is starting to get the best of me. My right hand hurts so much to the point of me not being able to work at my computer with out huge amounts of pain. Hurting hands not a fun thing.
I think I will be making a career change soon. Paul and I are going to launch our company soon and I am getting more and more excited about it because I am not just going to be organizing everything I am going to be more hands on creating things too... I'll keep you posted!!!


So I have been a little late in looking at my blog reader because you know I have to work and all... but I came across this candle light animation and I think it is quite amazing. HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Today is a better day!

Yesterday was a rough day today is better no tears, no pain just one heck of a snowy day. When I look out the window of my office all I see is white. It's pretty awesome it makes me feel like the fresh start is happening now.

Monday, January 5, 2009


My favorite music video Paul has done... Just want to share it with you.

The worst movie I have ever watched!!!

Ok so I am not much of a movie critic but I was 'Fantastic 4 Silver Surfer' the worst movie ever. I mean I am all one for cheesy love stories but this was just bad. I mean the super heros where bad the designs were not that great, the story line was wrong and bad on many levels... how do these people get money to make these movies when there are so many talented people out there making way better movies with a quarter of the money. I just don't get how they get this money.

I'm Back!!!

Man back at work... not to excited about it but it is a way to get the money flowing. Lately I have been thinking a lot of moving forward in life. I mean great I work at a web development company and I am the second longest employee here... but is that enough? Money is ok but I want more from life. I really want to get this business started Paul and I keep talking about, but there is this fear that is kind of holding me back. I know that it would be best for both of us and it would make us happy and make us work on something that we would love.
I don't want it to just be a dream.